Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Two Brothers Foundation

Our mission is to promote education, community service and international exchange in low-income neighborhoods in Brazil.

Poor people in Brazil face extremely harsh conditions of life characterized by a chronic lack of urbanization, high levels of violence and scarce resources in housing, health and education. One of the most effective methods for alleviating poverty is through education. This we do by creating educational communities in the neighbourhoods we serve that not only focus on learning in languages, arts and sciences but also bring together people from diverse walks of life and around the world to share their unique skills and abilities, life experiences and wisdom with each other. People in these spaces experience a greater sense of peace, love and unity that empowers them to have an increasingly positive impact on the world around them, whether at the local level or on causes of social justice globally.

Create educational communities in the neighborhoods we serve Bring together people from diverse walks of life and around the world to share their unique skills and abilities, life experiences and wisdom with each other. Empower people to have an increasingly positive impact on the world around them, whether at the local level or on causes of social justice globally. Raise funds Form local partnerships (based on transparency and accountability) Select, train and supervise staff interns Purchase, refurbish and maintain facilities Admit and support collaborating volunteers, researchers and external interns Promote awareness about our cause.

View the original article here


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